Style Jobs

Best practice by Vosgelis, France

Style Jobs is an initiative of Vosgelis (France) to help management become both actors and decision makers within the life of the company.

The aim of this approach is to support managers while increasing their responsibilities in all the managerial and organisational dimensions of their functions. In particular:

  • Make the business both faster and more streamlined, the emphasis being on initiative and encouraging collaborative work;
  • Reinforce management cohesion and pro-activity in the deployment of the business project;
  • Develop project mode operations with greater cross-functionality and inter-service cooperation;
  • Encourage creativity and innovation;
  • Promote a better understanding between the strategy of the company and the operational concerns of employees.

The rapid implementation of this project was made possible thanks to the commitment and evolution of the teams which fully went with the strategic directions and adapted their position. In the space of 3 years, there have been great changes in the company that have led to an improvement in employee skills and the emergence of a real customer-driven corporate culture.

Midway through this project, it was necessary to reflect on these changes in management style, to understand the feelings of managers, and to accompany them in the ‘post-project’. Today more than ever, this approach is so important in view of the tremendous reforms that are about to transform social housing in France. Vosgelis sees this as an opportunity to continue its development and has already made important links with other organisations, while continuing to create new brands and services.

Find out more

To find out more on this initiative, please do not hesitate to contact Vosgelis’ Coordinator through the Members Only Zone.

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