Calendar of Activities 2024

8 January 2024

After holding many successful events in 2023, we are already planning our activities for 2024. Mark the dates below in your calendar so that you don’t miss out on these opportunities! This calendar will keep being updated with new events and activities. Please note that the details of Topic Group meetings will be communicated early in 2024. Let’s have a look at our plans for public and social housing events for 2024…

February 2024

7-8 February: Council of Administration meeting – Valencia, Spain.

27 February: Workshop: Sustainable Finance – online. Joint webinar with Housing Europe.

29 February: Sustainable Construction Topic Group meeting – online.

March 2024

6-7 March: Ageing Topic Group meeting – Paris, France, hosted by DELPHIS.

18 March: Digital Communication and Technology in Housing Topic Group meeting – online.

21 March: Social Integration Topic Group meeting – online.

April 2024

17 April: Coordinators meeting – online.

May 2024

15 May: Council of Administration meeting – online.

15-16 May: Joint Sustainable Construction and Social Integration Topic Group meeting – Lyon, France.

June 2024

12-13 June: Leadership Summit – London, UK, hosted by Poplar HARCA.

July 2024

2-3 July: Digital Communication and Technology in Housing Topic Group meeting – Munich, Germany, hosted by Münchner Wohnen GmbH.

15-19 July: Talent Academy – Brescia, Italy, hosted by Aler BCM.

September 2024

11 September: Council of Administration meeting – online.

12-13 September: Ageing Topic Group meeting – Epinal, France, hosted by Vosgelis. Sign up here.

25-26 September: Sustainable Construction Topic Group meeting – Örebro, Sweden, hosted by ÖrebroBostäder AB. Sign up here.

25-26 September: Social Integration Topic Group meeting – Hofheim, Germany, hosted by HWB.

October 2024

1 October: Behavioral Change Communication Workshop – online. Sign up here.

9-11 October: Early Careers Programme – Brussels, Belgium, hosted by Eurhonet Secretariat.

22 October: Council of Administration meeting – Norrköping, Sweden, hosted by Hyresbostäder.

23-24 October: General Assembly – Norrköping, Sweden, hosted by Hyresbostäder. Sign up here.

November 2024

20 November: Understanding Social Value Workshop – online.

Ongoing throughout 2024

Exchange Programme: Our Exchange Programme accepts applications on a rolling basis. Employees at all levels of an organisation and in all roles are eligible to take part. If your organisation is a member of Eurhonet, find the application form here or reach out to the Secretariat for more information.

How to sign up?

Once registrations are open, you can find all the details on how to sign up on the Members Only Zone. If you are not yet a member of Eurhonet, find out about how to join us.

More public and social housing events in 2024

We are always developing our activities as new challenges and opportunities arise in the sector. Stay tuned as we keep updating this with more public and social housing events and activities! If you would like to propose a topic or activity, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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