We are pleased to invite Eurhonet members to our Conference and General Assembly on 23-24 October in Norrköping (Sweden), hosted by Hyresbostäder. It will be an excellent opportunity to explore some of the pressing issues in the public and social housing sector, as well as get feedback on Eurhonet’s activities and upcoming plans.

River bank with buildings on the other side

Insecurity and the role of housing providers

Thanks to our colleagues at Hyresbostäder, we have a diverse and engaging programme lined up. We will be discussing insecurity in our neighbourhoods, reflecting on the role of housing providers. We will discuss how education and mentoring can be tools to tackle violence and share best practice from our organisations.

An issue that many public and social housing providers face is the stigmatisation of certain neighbourhoods. Previous periods of insecurity can have a lasting impact on the image of an area, often long after problems have been addressed. In an interactive workshop, we will explore place branding and communication strategies to reduce stigmatisation.

Photos: Conference and GA 2023

Study visits

The discussions will be complemented by interesting study visits. We will explore neighbourhood redevelopment by visiting a state-of-the-art visualisation centre. We will witness the evolution of the development through a  360° digital visualisation, showing us how the area will look 20 years from now.

Participants can then choose to visit the neighbourhood and see how the construction projects are progressing in real life, or to learn about social cohesion projects in the Klocket neighbourhood.  The area – once on the police’s list of vulnerable residential areas in Sweden – has been transformed through sports, culture, and learning.

Charting the course for Eurhonet

The General Assembly is an important moment to take stock of our achievements as a network over the last year and plan our next steps. We will hear reports from Topic Group Leaders and Coordinators of our Staff Development Programmes. This is a great time for Eurhonet members to give feedback so that we can develop next year’s programme based on the priorities and needs of our members.


Eurhonet members can already register and find the detailed programme in our Members Only Zone. If you are not yet a members of Eurhonet, find out about joining us.