Best practice by FSM, France

FSM’s Board of Directors includes many stakeholders from the housing sector: local elected officials from the Seine-et-Marne Department, the Melun Val de Seine Urban Community, the Seine-et-Marne Departmental Council, the municipalities of Melun, tenants ‘ representatives and Works Council representatives.

To facilitate the decision-making process within bodies such as Boards of Directors, Tender Committees, and other strategic entities, FSM wishes to improve the information for administrators and shareholders with a specifically dedicated intranet site.

A permanent information platform, the governance Intranet site broadcasts news about the company and directs its users towards the various business information networks.

As a result, Committee and Board members can access a great deal of data, including that relating to the legal developments in the low-income housing sector. In light of their strategic role, improving administrators‘ information and awareness will give them a better understanding of the potential effects of certain decisions, enhancing and improving the coherence of the organisation’s action. This coherence will have a positive effect on how the organisation is managed and the re fore on their primary stake holders: the tenants.

Find out more

To find out more on this initiative, please do not hesitate to contact the organisation’s Coordinator through the Members Only Zone.